New here. A little about me and the new journey

So here it goes, 
This is the start of Project Co 365.
Here is what I’m looking to establish in this blog :
I’m in need of a place to express experiences. 
I’m in need of a place to write.
I’m in need of a place for self growth.
This is a project I’ve been battling myself to start – a REAL blog
Focusing more so on my time here in CO
Events, People, Places, Photos, Writings, Links, Videos, Post after Post.

Today is the 8.21.14 
I gave myself sometime to do some research on other sites I wanted to start this on. I still do not know if this is the right site for me, but I’m willing to give anything a chance. 

Why I moved to Colorado…in a nut shell.
 I moved mainly for school. I was accepted to Jonson & Wales University (Culinary Arts Program) in March, When I heard I was accepted in March I discussed it with my boyfriend (who like myself was ready for a newer start). With talk in the past before school was in the picture, We had previously discussed places we wanted to move to. Taking into consideration we are both from California and not wanting to move back there but also not wanting to be too far from family. So eventually we came to a few conclusions, Being accepted to school had finalized the choice. Within four months,in July, I found myself in Colorado two weeks before my lease ended ( Lived in Oklahoma -Three years),  looking for rentals with my Boyfriend and Future Roommate whom is a Co-worker of mine/dear friend. Jumping pass the stress and chaos of what house hunting is like, we found a place, got approved, and it sat waiting for us on August 1st to move in.
 We had two weeks to work like dogs, save money, and pack our belongings. Now as I say that to myself I still cannot believe what we managed to do in those two weeks. Some would call us crazy for moving liking that…But we are all a little crazy, right? Do you know how much money is needed to be made to move in two weeks, on top of your the commitments you have already. (As in current bills for the current house I’m renting. Oh and the car payments, that does’t just go away, neither does having to eat..All that plus Moving fee’s) Stress! Lack of food! Sleep? Those weeks went by very blurry. 
 Mind you, I am a young adult. Early 20’s and I work 40 hours (every) week , ponder that as you will. I will throw my occupation into this too, I am a server (bartender when they need me). But the 40 hours is usually put into working as a server. If you have never waited tables, then you have no say for this part, no reasoning, nothing. You have NO idea what it’s like. So I leave it at that, ones with experience in the industry knows what it is like, different every day, hit or miss, working for tips, There is No Paycheck-Taxes play into that one. (Welcome to waiting tables) 

  Colorado has been new ray of sunshine, Things are never “greener on the other side”, I have witnessed it – but if you work at problem and take care of business you get a new beginning. I happen to like change and I adapt well to my surroundings. Others cannot do what I have done. It makes me no less or no better than anyone that has stayed in one spot or has moved not too far from home. I believe I am (we all are) destined for something and it will cross my path in time but till that time, I am the author of my unscripted, uncensored life. I make my own choices, I lead myself on my path of life.(with the help of boyfriend) I have morals and I do respect my families thoughts (well most), I consider certain people when I decide something. I’m not selfish but I am going to do what makes ME happy. I am okay admitting to a fault or mistake, I can own my own problems. But I do not know it all, I doubt I ever will…There is much to learn and so little time to live. I am a true Wanderlust just Wandering and getting sh*t done living the way I like to.
 I really welcome myself to Colorado…
 I know how happy I am going to be.
 There is so much exploring to be done. 
 People to meet, Food to eat, Beer to drink and Plenty of Bud(ddies)
 So much life and So much opportunity awaits.